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Game Name : Oxyd
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:11:05
Views : 23158
Cheat : Print diploma: Enter 8768 as a code and 89427613 as a password.
Level Password 2 18780766 3 10232399 4 32882199 5 13794470 6 28197802 7 17087807 8 51761122 9 83882268 10 60761220 11 26934896 12 20236216 13 10567522 14 88146785 15 46784817 16 66615201 17 82056007 18 99008400 19 39054274 20 06283176 21 22241430 22 27045895 23 65321590 24 18100447 25 38812662 26 71534924 27 41327882 28 08043661 29 74563066 30 59226747Walkthrough : The object of the game is to find and open matched pairs of oxyds (see below). Simple? Yes. Easy? Definitely not. The designer has drawn 100 different landscapes which will test your ingenuity, cunning, forethought and lateral thinking, as well as your mouse control technique. The landscapes increase in difficulty and you will quickly realise that the designer has a devious mind and is a master of misdirection. Much of the enjoyment in solving a level comes from overcoming the obstacles and problems that are thrown at you (sometimes literally!) Fortunately you are not playing against the clock - some levels can take at least two days concentrated work before they are finally solved. The pleasure of playing Oxyd comes from the different skills required; sometimes fast reactions and speed of movement, at other times forward planning and calculations. Very few of the levels can be solved at one visit (remember to write down the password number); usually you will have to master one area and then go on to the next, and then the next, until you finally triumph. Warning: playing Oxyd may spoil you for any other computer game!
Moving the marble At the start of each level you have 3 marbles (lives). There is a black marble on the screen and two at the bottom of the screen in reserve (extra lives sometimes appear in the landscape and can be picked up). The marble is controlled by the mouse and you can move it as fast or as slowly as is required in any situation. Most care is needed when moving along narrow paths over the void; and also when hitting blocks to move them - you can get a very nasty rebound! When a marble is destroyed the new marble appears at the original starting point. You may need to adjust the tracking speed for the mouse. If it is set too fast, the marble tends to get out of control. If it is set too slow, levels requiring fast reactions may be impossible to play.
Oxyds These appear in two forms; black and white diagonal squares which open like flowers (level 2), or plain black blocks where the top peels away (level 1). Symbols are revealed when the oxyds open but only one oxyd opens at a time until you find matching symbols. They can be opened by rolling the marble against a side but the black and white squares can also be activated by touching the corner (level 15). They can be triggered by a laser when it is not possible to reach them (level 3). There may be only one pair to open, or as many as 8 pairs; although usually there are 4 oxyds (2 pairs) or 6 (3 pairs). In complicated levels you will probably need to note down which oxyd reveals which symbol, but be warned they often change if you have to re-start the landscape.
Meditation landscapes These landscapes appear after each nine levels and are well described in the Oxyd Book as nerve-wracking. They consist of a landscape with four craters into each of which a small ball has to be placed. The problem is that the mouse controls all four balls at the same time so that any violent movement to place one ball affects all the others and may remove a ball already in a crater. Meditation seems a singularly inappropriate description as they lead to more frustration than the preceding nine levels put together. Controlled mouse movements are essential even at the nth attempt.
Oxyd Book A humorous little volume which is an absolute necessity after level 10. It is impossible to do level 11 (and future levels) without the secret codes which destroy the magic tokens (the ones with the number on them), and all the secret codes are in the book. The book also contains tips and tricks , and many helpful hints and descriptions. It is also very funny.
Level 1 An easy landscape to get you started Tip: work from the sides as much as possible Hint: try to avoid triggering the rotor and donīt fall in the swamp.
Level 2 Another easy one Tip: the laser can destroy blocks.
Level 3 Your introduction to movable mirrors Tip: there is a pattern to the positions of the mirror. Hint: beware of the chasm.
Level 4 Introduces umbrellas and mouse reversal Tip: use the first umbrella to collect more for future flights. Hint: the ceiling isnīt solid.
Level 5 The first sighting of porthole blocks and flashing lights. Tip: the gates are opened by porthole blocks and/or switches. Hint: the floor isnīt solid.
Level 6 Bombs and dynamite! Tip: a lot of the objects are irrelevant, if not downright dangerous. Avoid switching the laser on. Hint: you only really need two explosions, around the inaccessible oxyd.
Level 7 This time the porthole blocks and lights will produce bridges. Tip: take a bit of time to work out which block covers which light. It isnīt always as obvious as it seems. Hint: donīt get trapped in the top left corner. Make sure you move the two blocks in the right order.
Level 8 This level isnīt as difficult as it first appears - donīt panic! Tip: donīt try to control the marble on the path, otherwise you will fall off. Hint: as soon as youīve passed the 2 arrows, top and bottom, have a coffee break. This will allow you to survey the scene and should stop you falling in the water.
Level 9 The most difficult landscape so far. Tip: you will need to destroy all the bomb tokens but make sure you can still move around to activate the oxyds. You will have to cross the rotten floorboards twice so take care. Hint: the order in which you do things is important. Take out the bomb token in the top right first.
Floors, surfaces and backgrounds a. Wood There are different patterns of wooden floors. The "parquet" pattern has a nasty habit of breaking up (level 11) but with care it can be negotiated. b. Stone c. Woven d. Tiles Some tiles will also break up (level 8) e. Ball-bearings f. Slope tiles These are marked with a white or black pattern (level 8) and will throw the marble off unless great care and/or speed is used. g. White tiles (marble movement reversal) These present an interesting problem in mouse control as up is down and left is right, and vice versa (level 4). Even more fun is the chess board where the black tiles are normal and the white ones reversed (level 87) h. Water Not unnaturally you drown in water (level 8), but there are some levels where the marble has to leap across a stretch of water at least once; in one particularly difficult level several jumps are needed i. Ice The marble just skates around with no traction unless there is a spike available, probably hidden from immediate view (level 15) j. Quicksand/ swamp Speed is the key here. If the marble stands still or moves slowly, it will sink (level 1) k. Space When you see blackness with stars it is usually OK to move the marble out there (level 14) but the marble will not respond to the mouse and you will have to wait until it bounces off something to get it back. l. Blackness This will kill the marble every time unless you have some way of negotiating it (level 4). Be careful moving at the edge of the screen into another part of the landscape as the designer tends to lay traps (level 3)
Tokens/ Blocks a. Plain white These come in three varieties and the differences are not obvious until the marble touches them. There are solid unmovable ones, which can sometimes be blown away with dynamite or smashed with a hammer, assuming that these are available to you; solid movable ones which can be pushed around and will disappear in blackness, and ones that the marble will pass under. They can also conceal nasties which are not revealed until the marble touches them. When moved over objects they can destroy or activate them b. Black These wonīt move and sometimes hide oxyds (level 4) or ways to open gates (level 19) c. Wooden These can be moved (level 6) and will form new planks when pushed into blackness. Sometimes they will explode bombs if pushed over them d. Outline These can sometimes be moved but usually only when you can see something inside them e. Porthole These blocks can be moved and are normally associated with flashing lights (level 5). When the blocks are manoeuvred over the lights, they will open gates (level 5), build bridges (level 7) or open passages. f. Clock faces Some of these change automatically, for example to control lasers, and others can be altered by the marble (level 26) g. Spring blocks These are white blocks with a small cross on the top. They "uncoil" and push other blocks away but have to be triggered from the correct place to work effectively (level 29)
Mirrors These reflect the ray produced by the laser and can be particularly difficult to organise without a degree in higher physics. You may find it easiest to draw a plan before arranging them as a mis-angled mirror can zap the marble in a flash. Some of the solid mirrors can be moved (level 3). The angle of any mirror is changed by touching it with the marble, either on the side, or in tricky situations, just on the corner. a. Solid The least unfriendly of the three types of mirror. When angled it deflects all the ray at 90 degrees b. Non-solid This deflects part of the ray at 90 degrees BUT allows the rest to pass straight through. c. Triangular These are the most awkward mirrors to organise and the best description of their function is in the Oxyd Book (page 24)
Lasers These will destroy a marble caught in the full ray; however it is possible to move the marble so that only an edge is touching the beam which doesnīt trigger an explosion. The lasers can be used to destroy blocks, trigger oxyds (level 3) or trigger blocks to unlock gates, either directly or via one or more mirrors. They can be switched on with a switch, or a coin. Sometimes they are on permanently and care is needed to avoid being zapped. Lasers can also be used to transform objects.
Nasties a. Rotor The nastiest of all the nasties as they actively attack the marble (level 1). However they have an attack distance so that the marble can avoid triggering them. If they have to be passed in order to open an oxyd, it is sometimes possible to explode a stick of dynamite and trap them in the crater (level 12). In a maze it is possible to trap them in a cul-de-sac but only at the cost of having the marble destroyed (level 92) b. Deaths head These are fairly easy to avoid when visible. Unfortunately there are levels where they only appear after they have eaten the marble (level 25), although they do then stay visible c. Black knights These can only be neutralised with a sword (level 21) and it takes several blows to cut them down to size d. Whirlwinds These attract the marble, suck it in and then either throw it out elsewhere (level 10) or eat it. e. Thieves They hide in a white block until the marble touches it when they come out and steal objects that have already been picked up (level 17). Security systems include putting down anything you donīt want to lose and picking it up later; mailing items (level 17), or picking up a lot of items that you donīt mind losing, scrolls etc.
Objects can be picked up by rolling the marble over them and are of two types (see below). They collect at the bottom of the screen and the one under the arrow at the left can be placed by the mouse. Shift them around using the tab key. They are of varying usefulness.
Objects - re-usable a. Spade This will fill in a crater caused by exploding dynamite and is only really useful if the first explosion hasnīt worked and a second is needed b. Dark glasses These, if unbroken, will allow you to see invisible deaths heads c. Spring Sometimes the only way to cross empty space (level 11). Practice is advisable before actual use. d. Sword Used to destroy the black knight (apparently based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail) e. Hammer Will destroy certain blocks but you wonīt know which ones until you hit them. f. Spike Used to keep control of the marble on ice (level 15) g. Key One way to open a gate h. Floppy disk Another way to open a gate (level 27)
Objects - once only a. Umbrella Another way to cross empty space (level 4). However there are disadvantages which include limited duration, not being able to control the marble, and only being able to use each umbrella once. However they will also protect the marble from laser beams, deaths heads and thieves. b. Cherries These turn the marble invisible which means that your enemies canīt see you. c. Cup of coffee Halts the movement of the marble until the mouse is clicked again (very useful in level 8) d. Dynamite (see bombs below) This is needed to detonate bombs. e. Seeds These, when placed in position, grow into wooden blocks which can then be moved (level 66) f. Coins Come in three denominations, 1,2 and 4. The number indicates how long they will work for.
Trampolines and trapdoors Two types of subterranean movement. The trapdoor opens automatically and ejects the marble somewhere else. The trampoline is more complicated as the mouse movement controlling the marble has to start just before the marble exits from the hole otherwise the marble just bounces back down again (level 23)
Glass This needs to be struck with some force by the marble to shatter it (level 39). Unfortunately it is also easy to shatter the marble at the same time so take care
One way arrows Obviously the marble can only pass under the arrow in the correct direction (level 8). However with free-standing arrows it is possible to slide under them sideways (but you will have to find out yourself which level that applies to)
Mailboxes Obviously used to post objects from one area to another (level 17). Normally a pipeline is posted first and then the object.
Bombs These come in three types (level 6) and are usually detonated by dynamite placed next to them, although a block moved over a bomb may trigger it. They cannot be picked up. a. Black This bomb will destroy the tile it sits on when it is detonated. b. White When detonated, this more powerful bomb destroys the tile it is on and the neighbouring vertical and horizontal tiles as well c. Bomb token A white block with a bomb symbol which will supply bombs when touched by the marble. It can only be destroyed by a bomb and dynamite in combination. Fortunately the tile on which it sits is not destroyed in the explosion
Flags These are very useful when attempting a long and/or hazardous landscape (level 11). If the original marble is destroyed, the new marble will appear where the flag has been placed
Gates These may open automatically when approached by the marble (if youīre lucky). Otherwise a switch (level 5), key, floppy disk (level 27) or some other method of opening will be needed. Dynamite doesnīt work.If using a floppy disk donīt touch it while passing through the gate otherwise the marble will pick up the disk and the gate will close and crush the marble. Also donīt forget to retrieve the disk after passing through the gate as you will probably need it again.
Puzzles and Magic tokens These are extensively covered in the Oxyd Book.
Scrolls The designer has left these in some of the landscapes. Sometimes they are useful and sometimes they arenīt. However the Oxyd Book contains suggestions for solving the most difficult landscapes, although their definition of a difficult landscape may not coincide with yours, or ours (we hate level 31)
Sound can be useful In a lot of computer games sound effects are just noise. However in Oxyd the sounds can be actively helpful; for example, hearing a gate open although you may not be able to see it, or the warning sound of a creaking floorboard. And nothing beats the sound of a really BIG explosion.
AVOID LEVEL 10 Level 10 is the first meditation landscape and in itself is fairly easy. However its main function is to set ALL your password numbers for levels 11-100. Therefore if you play it again without the Timed Game on, it will change all the password numbers for levels that you have already solved from level 11 onwards and you will no longer be able to access them. SO DO NOT PLAY LEVEL 10 WITHOUT THE TIMED GAME ON; IF IN DOUBT DO NOT PLAY LEVEL 9 OR 10 AGAIN!!
As an insurance policy, copy the file named Oxyd Preferences from the Preferences folder in your System folder to somewhere safe. This file contains the codes which generate the password numbers. If the worst happens and someone changes the codes by playing level 10, just copy the original Oxyd preferences file back again.
The Link Game So now youīre addicted to Oxyd, youīve solved levels 1-100 and youīre suffering withdrawal symptoms. What do you do? You play the Link Game! Another 100 levels! Two marbles, one black, one white! All you need is a friend (equally addicted to Oxyd), another Mac and some method of linking both your terminals. (Technical details in the Oxyd Book) Then 100 more landscapes are at your finger tips. But be warned that tempers can flare and harsh words be exchanged; even hysteria has been known to strike.
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